Thursday, November 8, 2012

Silver Bullets, Silver Linings and Silver Savings

At the risk of being misconstrued, I will be short and to the point in this blog: There are no quick fixes to the problems plaguing our society, its government or our economic system.  Just as the sky did not fall in the morning after we re-elected the one who is arguably the worst president in American history, it is equally true that our country would not have seen a revival if we had elected the one who was arguably the worst nominee for that position.  The very idea that we should place that much hope and faith in a man is, well, blasphemous.  In short, there are no silver bullets to kill the hounds haunting our formerly fair land.

But there is a silver lining to this sad state of affairs and our realization of it.  If the problems are so big that not one of us alone could fix it, then it becomes perfectly clear that we must turn to the One who can fix it and then do our simple part in following His will. Fixing America starts with each one of us, our families and our communities.

I have built my financial planning strategies around one simple concept:  Helping to build productive, self-reliant and secure families through sound financial advice.  To me it is just applied common sense, but it does have to be "applied" and it can be tricky to maintain common sense in this increasingly complex world.  But one bit of common sense that perennially rings true to the people I counsel is that we ought always to invest some of our money in "hard assets."  I call them intrinsic worth items since the value, its worth, is IN the item rather than in a piece of paper or some other evidence of value (think of an account statement here).

Of course the most famous intrinsic worth items are gold and silver.  And it is wise to have a portion of your net worth in such things.  What to buy and how much can be debated, but one should never neglect adding to this important wealth preservation tool.

Recently I came across a simple and automated way to build up a personal, hard-currency reserve.  It is called Silver Saver and it allows you to buy silver or gold on a relatively low monthly (or weekly) allotment.  Further, you can take delivery of your metals when your account reaches certain minimums.  I recommend this since I think it is better to have physical possession of your intrinsic worth items rather than relying on being able to get them in more uncertain times.

The negatives of this program are that the premiums are a bit higher when you purchase small amounts (but you can buy larger ones and cut these down) and there are storage fees while the company houses your metal.  Still, for the ease of use and investment, I think Silver Saver is hard to beat.

Finally, and this will help offset some of the higher costs associated with this program, you can share in the profitability of Silver Saver if you share the site with others and they begin purchasing too.  And, yes, I am participating in this "profit from sharing" program, but that is not why I am recommending it.  Rather, I am hoping that all my friends and clients who have yet to take me up on investing in intrinsic worth items will finally begin doing so by taking me up on this easy and valuable program.  Check out Silver Saver by clicking on the hyperlinks above or by going here:

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