Friday, September 23, 2011

Operation Twist...and Shout?

Killing the American economy has proven quite difficult for the liberals, but that hasn't stopped them from trying. And trying some more!

Now it appears that their moronic policies are even threatening what I have described before as "the best place to store money." This week Reuters ran an article about the dangers of Operation Twist and how it is likely to "threaten the earnings of some of the country's largest insurers for years to come."

For those of you who have followed my financial planning advice, you know this is a day that I hoped would never come. But let's also take heart that we have been given this signal to adapt and amend our plan to account for these dangerous developments.

In truth, a plan, even a financial plan, is only as good as the contingencies you build into it. For example, if you had a plan to climb a mountain and didn't have a contingency for downed trees in your path, then you probably would never reach the summit. Further, it would be foolish and inefficient to abandon the plan, return to the base and choose another path...or another mountain! Again, the strength of a plan is its adaptability and its built-in contingencies.

So where does Operation Twist and its repercussions leave us? Well first of all, it is not time to panic and abandon the best place to store money. Insurance companies have proven quite resilient in difficult economic times and I trust they will again. Second, other than the methods we employ, there is no other strategy available out there that combats the insidious and destructive monetary policies impacting us. We must continue using them until the policies are corrected or the money is worthless. Finally, it is clear that an increase in less risky assets are in order so I would suggest to everyone a heavier weighting in Intrinsic Worth Items. A 50 to 100% increase in your current weighting would not be out of line.

And for those of you still trusting solely in the market or the Federal Reserve or the government to keep your financial future bright, think again. Operation Twist might just make you SHOUT!