In any case if you read his predictions with an open mind, I believe the only conclusion you can draw is that he did approach the truth with amazing accuracy. And while I have maintained for some time that we are "slaves" to nearly unknown masters, it is good to get confirmation (see predictions 12 and 14 below) from any source.
Finally, though I originally intended to make a running commentary throughout the excerpt, I have decided to let Fr. Coughin's words be read without interruption. Suffice it to say at the beginning that the best financial plan that any of us can hope for is one that will MITIGATE the "effects of a dishonest money system" rather than eliminate them. To eliminate them, an honest money system is needed. Now isn't that a radical idea?!?
Effects of a Dishonest Money System
What will happen if the present money system is continued and if the present policies endure?
- Private individuals will coin money for their own personal gain.
- Corporations organized for production, such as automobiles, steel and textiles, will be under the domination of the private money creators.
- The government itself will be dominated by the money plutocrats.
- The press, dependent upon advertising received from banker-dominated corporations and commercial houses, will continue to deceive people.
- The educational system will continue to ostracize the truths of economics from our schools.
- An un-informed citizenry, forced to work either on the mortgage-controlled farms or in the banker-controlled industries, will receive a less-than-living annual wage.
- Through the international manipulation of gold and money engineered by a small group of money creators living in each country, wars will continue to ensue.
- The only prosperity which will come as a breathing spell will be that [false] prosperity enjoyed as we prepare for war and fight the war. [Bracketed comment added].
- The issue of non-productive bonds will continue to sap the profits of production through the process of taxation for the benefit of the creators of debt.
- Those who now condemn loudly the danger of inflation in order to save the present money system are those who are introducing a greater flood of inflation than was ever experienced by any nation in the world.
- The citizens, weighed down by the unbearable costs of war and depression, will be inclined to blame a democratic form of government and unwittingly relinquish the liberties already won for the bare necessities of life, which the plutocrats will allow them only at the sacrifice of liberty.
- Dictatorship, be it that of the communist, of the fascist or of the extreme socialist, will necessarily ensue.
- Christianity, which teaches the principles of social justice and upon which is founded the sovereignty of the Government’s right to coin and regulate the value of money, will be disavowed because Christianity will be blamed for putting war into the world instead of peace, poverty instead of prosperity and hatred instead of love.
- The children of future generations shall be the scape-goats whom we are forcing to bear the sins of an unintelligent money system which, anticipating their birth, already has mortgaged their life’s income.
- Chaos in law, in government and in civilization eventually will result.
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